Run: Easy Previous Next


10 mi


6:48 mi


43 F
  • Map

<No name>


Pre run - woke up very congested, but surprisingly not sore from yesterdays workout. IT band was also tight. Rolled that out, had coffee and did some AIS before heading out to run in the cold rain.

Big loop backwards. Rained the entire time. After 20-min or so I got use to it. IT band was also really tight. Congestion wasn't really an issue. Just one of those days were you have to get it in. Need to get my body feeling good for this weekend. Left calf got tight during the last 10-min. I'll pay close attention to that. Trails were absolutely soaked. After a while I didn't try to dodge the puddles. Can also tell it's about time to replace my Pegs. If the forecast is correct I'll be running in some snow tomorrow. It's been raining the entire week, so snow will be a nice change. As long as it doens't overstay it's welcome.
