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9.5 mi


55 F
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<No name>


Back on the track for the first time in 3 weeks. Hard to believe it's been that long. Need to get use to it since I'll be racing on the track for the next three weekends!

Pre run - Woke up close to 10. Foot was tight but not as bad as it has been. Right IT band and hip flexor was also tight. Did some foam rolling and AIS before heading over to the track. Legs are fresh but tight in certain areas. Think it was beneficial to take the past two days off. Wasn't planned but needed. Really trying to strengthen my gluts, and feet. I understand it's going to take some time. The most important thing is staying healthy. Even if that affects my fitness.

The workout - 4 sets of 4 X 300 with 100 jog and lap jog after every set. Goal was to feel fluent and run right around mile pace. To start my IT band was tight. Really tried to concentrate on keeping my turnover consistent and getting those gluts involved. Especially when feeling it in my hamstrings and calves. HIt 45's on 8-9 and 46's on the others. Breathing was heavy, which seems to be the case on the few mile pace workouts I've done. The goal is to do it in the workouts and hopefully it will carry over to the races. Finished up with 2 X 100 at mile pace. Form is getting better! 3 mi easy cool down + some stretching.
