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10 mi


62 F
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<No name>


First morning in Boulder! Decided to do part of a workout with Matt and Kurt. Didn't want to do too much since I just arrived last night and definitely feeling the car lag. It was a gorgeous morning on the track. At least it felt that way to me. Got to the track around 7am and started warming up around 7:15.

Workout - 3 mi wu + drills/strides and 5 x 1k at Threshold pace (3:20, 3:17, 3:16, 3:14, 3:11) + 2.5 mile CD

Thoughts: Felt okay at first but legs never felt that good. Recovered quickly after each Interval. Was trying to relax and keep good form. Wanted to do a couple more but could sense things tightening up, so knew it was time to call it a day. Still nice to get in a decent effort my first day here.

Post run: AIS and foam rolling
