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7:00 AM

13.1 mi


8:59 mi


182 lb


49 F


Healthy Driven Naperville Half Marathon

What a great way to finish of this weekend. It was the third race of the weekend for me. Let me start off by saying the crowd support was on point this morning. It felt like someone was cheering and screaming at every corner. I loved every second of it. And I completely fed off of it and used it to my advantage. I didn’t have any goal when I started this race. I figured I’d be a bit slower after yesterday’s races. I started the race right near the 2:30:00 pacer. As the race went on I felt really good. So by about mile 5 I realized I had a very small shot at a Sub 2 hour half. I hadn’t ran a sub 2 this year and I knew this was my last shot at it this year. By mile 8 my chances of the sub 2 were growing. I knew I’d have to give everything I had. I ended up catching the 2 hour pacer by about mile 12. I kicked it up that last mile and sprinted to the finish line. I ran a 1:57:35. I also earned my first Chicagoland Triple Crown medal. Just a great weekend of races.

Races aren’t always going to go according to plan. Sometimes you feel great and sometimes you don’t. I was dealing with and issue in my calf since yesterday morning. It’s very rare that I ever get the opportunity to run without some kind of pain. People often ask why I put myself through this pain. Or why I run so many races. The simple answer is there will come a day and time that I can no longer do this but today won’t be that day. I love to compete. Running has always been the one thing I could turn to no matter what happens in life. And at the end of the day I’d rather do what I love and be in a little bit of pain. Rather than sit back and die a little bit more everyday not doing what I love. For about 5 years I let fear and pain cripple me. I won’t do that any longer. Face your fears. And pour your heart and soul into what you love.
