Run: Easy Previous Next


8:15 AM

4.3 mi


13:47 mi


182 lb


52 F
  • Map


Training session with Jim. I couldn’t really do any chin-ups or hanging. My right Tricep is still really bothering me. I literally couldn’t even pull myself up. But here’s the workout I did most of it.

Warm Up:

- High Knees

- Butt Kicks

- Skipping

- Carioca Shuffle

- Walking Lunges

- Walking Squats

- Walking Leg Kicks

- Walking Side Kicks

Workout: 40 Seconds for each Exercise

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Plank

- 90/90 Crunches

- V-Ups

- Flutter Kicks

- Run 1/2 Mile

- High Plank

- Push-Up Plank

- Hanging Knee Raises

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Walking Plank

- Bench Jumps

- Push-Ups

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Hanging Leg Raises

- Burpees

- Body Weight Rows

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Bench Jumps

- Push-Ups

- Plank

- Run 1/2 Mile

- L-Sit Deadhang

- High Plank

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Push-Ups

- Plank

- Run 1/2 Mile

- Hanging Leg Raises

- Push-Ups


- 15 Burpees As Fast, Hard and Intense as Possible

Cool Down:

- Foam Roll

- Static Stretch
