Run: General Aerobic Previous Next


5:30 PM

7 mi


9:11 mi


127 lb


35 F


5 / 10
  • Map


More CEO face-pounding visualization tonight. Yep, I am officially being laid off in April. Our division is being acquired by a larger course packet publisher. I have a chance of continuing on with the company that's buying us (and relocating), or else I need to find another job around here, so we'll see what happens. Unlike Tuesday, when running hard helped, today I just felt sort of drained. Maybe it's the drugs. :) At least they seem to be doing their job--the toothache is not as bad as it was.

The run felt okay, and I think it was a good idea to slow down a little and skip the fartlek workout that was planned for today. Tomorrow's an off day for me, so I can recharge and be ready for some hill madness on Saturday!
