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4.5 mi


5:34 mi


180 lb
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i didnt want to go too fast too early on this workout so for the first 2 i stayed back with jason on the first lap then tried helping move us towards danny. at the end of the 2nd one danny was hurting so i went up and helped him out on it taking the lead. the 3rd one danny pulled out so it was me and zeke the whole time. i tried keeping the same pace as zeke but it felt like i was having to push for it. the last one me and jason did solo. we led equally throughout the whole repeat. felt tired coming on the back stretch of the sloop so i usually relax on the downhill but picked it back up and tried catching back up to jason finishing right behind him. overall good workout even though my body felt like crap and i felt out of it from the start. came into this workout with a dismal attitude but it turned out pretty well after i turned my mind off and just ran off of how i felt. i dont even look at my watch anymore in the middle of repeats. my new pacing strategy is how good my body feels instead of solely on the time.
