Run: Building Previous Next


6.3 mi


5:32 mi


190 lb


parts 1 and 2

wanted to get a really good hard longer effort to come off a 2 day rest after that race. i could have pushed myself harder in that if i didnt get out as fast. i felt pretty good at the first mile and i knew i could go a lot fast but i just waited worked on my form and just kept it really steady on moss all the way to western, barker i picked the pace up in the middle about 10sec felt like and when i came around for the 3 mile i picked it up another 2 maybe. i felt really strong through the 4 mile and that boosted my confidence for teh Folepi 4 mile next month (main race). hopefully i can win it, i plcaed 2nd 3 years ago and i had trainers on for this entire run as well. wanted to save some for this little hill workout i had, it was going to be shorter but a little faster as well. felt nice to open up a monday with this coming off a to recover recover recvoer...only looked at my watch around the below markers and based the pace off how i read my body like mr Hantak!!!

this warmup i tooki it out in

1.1 in like 5:50,

2.1 in 12:00,

3 in 16:50,

4.1 in 22:56,

5 30:10
