Run: Fartlek Previous Next


9.1 mi


6:51 mi


did a 50min fartlek today. started with a 1 mile easy warm-up around 7:46 pace, after that we 2:00 minutes on (we built into each repeat little by little. Did thee middle couple a little fast because Gaska was almost done and said he wanted to push these last 2 (of his) for me and we picked it up a lot more)x2:00 minutes resting time. Total me, Alex, Jason and Andy did 11 repeats. By repeat 5-8(?) I ended up running these few by myself (i wanted to push myself today, not to prove anything, but to see if i had the same, or better, strength/endurance of these types of runs) felt like I hit these few in 5:40-:30 pace (probably an actual 5:50 pace). The last 2 repeats I was greeted with a nice cool-down with a nice hill, by the time I got up it I was fairly out of breath, and we went right into the repeat when we got up it. Alex played a big role in these last few by surging ahead near the last :50seconds or so of each repeat, gave me someone to push me and to run with. I really liked that and kind of half knew and half expected he would do but didn't think about it. by the end of the workout and we were into our cool-down, after a couple minutes, I had already felt recovered (legs/somewhat breathing, but felt fine otherwise, one thing I gained in high school with all the strength training Broe did for me. This was also a great team workout and thought/felt like the 10 miler we did at the beginning of the season, but felt a lot better.
