Run: Fartlek Previous Next


3.1 mi


6:03 mi


175 lb
  • Map

Four Lakes


5x1:45 on/1:15 off. At the start of the fartlek my legs were still feeling pretty good. For the first one I kept it honest because I didn't know what everyone was going to be running for these. On the second I started to open up a little bit going up Green Trails to speedway. I worked that uphill pretty good and then we got stopped at the lights on College. After we found a break we continued our rest and then started the next pick up down Lexington and we finished at the bottom of the hill. The last 2 pickups I was by myself because I opened up quite a bit on the down hill so I just hammered these as best as I could with keeping some back. I felt at the end of these I could still have gone faster but am happy with how the workout went.
