Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:45 PM

4 mi


7:41 mi


18 C


My second run was a quick 30 min, 4 mile run at 1.45pm. I took a extended break for lunch as i was doing a extra half hour work at the end of my shift. I quickly got changed and jump on the treadmill. I started my warm up again at 6.5 mph and felt relaxed so after a few minutes i started to push up the pace when ever i felt ready. I eventually settled into 8 mph pace then with 8 mins left i started to increase the pace again to try and do the 4 miles in under 30 mins but i misjudged the pace needed and even tho i increases the speed to around 9 mph i ended up doing it in 30.42 mins. The legs felt great and the knee was to bother at all so again i quickly got showered and changed then did a quick stretch, had a bowl of cereal for lunch and saw through the remainder of my shift till 4.15pm.
