Bike: Easy Previous Next


11:44 PM

6.9 mi


11.07 mi / hr


210 lb
125 bpm
140 bpm
60 bpm

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CycleOps magnetic trainer

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This was a late night ride on the trainer just before going to sleep. I was needing some exercise as it had been a few days. I was also curious to see what effect exercising right before sleep had on my sleep. Exercising at the end of the day was a bit harder than I had expected. It was also more irritating in little ways. I couldn't get my position quite right. I kept feeling the rivets at the back of my Brooks B-17 Imperial saddle. My hands felt a little sore putting pressure on them. All of the little things added up to make me miss workouts earlier in the day. I guess I will find out in a little while how it affected my sleep.
