Run: Interval Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 mi


8:24 mi


165 lb


80 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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This interval set was outstanding. My coach asked me to maintain 9:20 miles and I far surpased his expectations. I ran a clean set and the downward gradient in times made this a textbook perfect interval workout. I felt really dizzy on the last two laps and thought I was going to pass out but all turned out well. After the four mile goal my coach gave me, I rested a bit (hoped the dizziness would pass, it didnt), and went out for a bonus mile. Im really proud because the five intervals was the goal the coach set for Lino. Today I put in great effort and got great return. I hope practices continue to be like this.

Note: I ate an apple like usual for breakfast but also added a granola thin ten minutes before practice. Was this extra food enough to fuel this run? I hope. Ill do the same food for tomorrow and see what happens.
