Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

3.00 mi21:167:06Greenville Triathlon8/17/2008View Race
5.00 km20:556:44Lake Murray Triathlon5/18/2008View Race
3.15 mi22:337:10Christmas Cruise12/10/2016View Race
4.65 mi40:058:38Paris Mountain Tri4/17/2010View Race
8.00 km36:397:23Clemson Duathlon10/28/2006View Race
5.90 mi46:537:57USAT National Championship8/22/2009View Race
10.00 km45:477:23Hartsville International Tri9/9/2007View Race
Half Marathon1:46:158:07Ironman Augusta 70.39/27/2009View Race
13.42 mi1:49:078:08TryCharleston Half5/1/2010View Race
Marathon4:36:5710:35Ironman Florida11/1/2008View Race