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Well, muscle only go worse and I was forced to take 11 days off from running completely. With the exception of 3-4 days, I've biked at least an 1 hour and/or swam 1-1.5 miles in the pool.

Because of this, I've made the decision to scratch from Twin Cities because of 2 missed long runs and 2 tempos along with 2 80-100 mile weeks. I've decided to run the Rock N' Roll Savannah Marathon on November, 5th. This gives me an extra 5 weeks to prepare and make up for the lost time. The race is 10 1/2 weeks away and I should be back to 90-100 miles weeks with 8 weeks to go. I hope I haven't lost too much fitness

Side note, I've remained my low weight, so no issue there... steady 155 pounds
