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20 mi

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The Mountain


2 mile warmup, 20 min tempo, 8 miles easy, 20 min tempo, 2.5 miles cooldown

2 Mile warmup, felt a little tight but quickly got loose. First 20 minute tempo felt good, about a 5:35-5:40 pace. The hour easy following the tempo was great. Legs moved with ease up and down hills. The second 20 mile tempo was bit slower than the first (not surprising) at closer to 5:40 pace... Cooled down about 2.5 miles to get an even 20 miles overall.

The tempos weren't as fast as a month ago (before injury) but they were only a little slower. I cant complain too muh, given I came off a 100 mile week with a thursday workout... and its my 2nd workout back... I didn't need a Gu today and still covered the 20 miles on relaxed legs. Give me 9 weeks and a taper and I should be able to hit around 2:35 in the Marathon!
