Run: Interval Previous Next


5:30 AM

10.5 mi


8:06 mi


164 lb
157 bpm


57 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
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East Lake


2mi. E + 3 x (1.5mi. @ 1/2MP) + 3mi. E

Loosely planned this mornings workout with plans to adjust based on how I felt. My legs felt good this morning but overall body was tired. Five hours sleep just wasn't enough. I'd hoped to pop off 4 x (1.5mi.) reps @ HMP. Ran the intervals around ELGC and the hill portions were a little uncomfortable. Felt really smooth running around 6:15 - 6:20 downhill. Second rep felt easier than the first, but a long climb at the start of the 3rd rep forced me to run it at HM effort instead of HMP. Nice consistent HR for each rep. I think backing off my pace on the 3rd rep kept me from breaking muscles down although my quads felt pretty trashed for the cool down. Considered finishing my last mile @ MP but decided not to press my luck 9 days out from the Marathon. As I write (12pm) I feel like I've recovered nicely.
