Run: Trail Previous Next


11:23 AM

5.7 mi


11:22 mi


65 F
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Cloudy, cool at the start, up to 65 deg. Headed over the high school trails, a fairly easy pace not pushing it at all. Stayed on the high school trail until I got to the trail sign. Ran across Scottie's hill and took Take Off both the first and second sections. I wanted to do the reverse climb up Rope Tow starting from the High School trail. Hemmed and Hawed and finally decided I needed to go back towards the high school. Found the trail head and started up. Good climbing, lots of switchbacks, not as steep as I thought it was going to be. Still a few mud holes that are going to need some work. Made it up to where it almost comes out on the high school trail but turned and headed back. Worked on good form and trying to keep a pretty good pace. Looped around and the top of the old lift. Came all the way back down to the sign, then took the high school trail back around and headed for Hosmer. Worked on maintaining a 3 in 3 out pace but moving as fast as I could. Legs were pretty tired. My left groin complained a few times. Need to get back to my PT stretching. Good run. Pretty warm by the time I finished. Forgot my headband, so wiping sweat out of my eyes most of the way back.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, water pack
