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9:04 AM

11.2 mi


12:34 mi


28 F
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Sunny and a little cold starting out but no too bad. Shed my gloves pretty quickly. The sleds had been out and the groomer had done from the picnic area out. The trail was pretty packed but the snow was still soft so it was like running on the beach. My plan was to do at least 10 in these conditions. The sun was bright and it was warming up. I tried to find the firmest snow to run on. When I got to the original middle earth aid station the groomer had gone straight to the river so I decided to check it out and see where it went. It went right on to the ice and there were long stakes in the ice marking the trail. I ran along and then it curved to the south and ended up turning around going into the woods on the Pine loop trail. I ran that, which was pretty soft, until I got to 5.25 miles. I wanted 11 and figured I could get the other 1/2 mile by going down to the picnic area on the way back if I was feeling good. Felt ok going back and when I got back to Middle Earth I took out a GU and ate that as I went. My left achilles and back of my ankle were starting to get sore so I tried to change how I was landing and it seemed to be a little better. It didn't get any worse. I ran down to the picnic area and stopped to pee. Headed back out the way I came in and then ran back to finish. Legs were tired but my hip felt ok and my achillies didn't hurt. Good long run. It was less distance but harder on the legs.

Gear: Nike tights, W2B long tech T, jacket, headband, gloves (shed), water pack.
