Run: Trail Previous Next


11:54 AM

4.3 mi


13:31 mi


43 F
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Sunny pretty warm, light wind, 43 deg. Plan was to get 4 to 5 miles since I have PT after work. Ran up Steve's favorite hill and headed for the Brookfield trail. Nice running in the sun, could've wore shorts, but the wind was kinda cold so I was glad I had pants. Stopped at the overlook rock to stretch. Ran out the powerlines the way we used to. Found some big white breast feathers, a bunch of them lying in the trail. Something got eaten. No idea what kind of bird it was the feather were pure white. Ran up the big steep hill, it was really rocky but I only hiked a few steps. Went down the backside a ways and then bushwacked down to the lower road. Glad I had pants on. Ran back to the ravine and then back the way I came. Stopped to stretch again at the overlook rock. My groin was more sore today than it has been. Ran pretty fast down to 108 and across the bridge. Coming back down Canal street my hamstring and achillies were grumpy on my left leg. It's always something. Nice day to run though.
