Run: Trail Previous Next


11:21 AM

5.7 mi


11:46 mi


64 F
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Cloudy, kinda warm, 64. After all the rain the last 3 days it felt kinda damp out there. Plan was to run the old high XC lollipop using some of the MTB trails and finish through Scottie's field. Walking around just before getting ready my IT band/knee started to complain. I should have run yesterday but had no time. Had a GU as I was getting ready. Ran the road to Hosmer and then stopped on the dirt trail to do my hip stretches. Kneed felt ok after that. Ran out to Scottie's and took the Take Off trail all the way to the laydown area. Ran an ok pace not as fast as last week. Ran up all the hills to the powerlines, not a sprint but a steady climb. Wasn't completely gassed at the top so I didn't stop. Ran down the back side trail, across the powerlines, and down to the start of the Bull Pine trail. This was about the 3 mile mark and my IT band started to complain some. It didn't last long. The stream was a little higher than it had been. Ran all the way out to Scotties's and took the trail back to the hill. Ran all the way up the hill and was pretty gassed at the top. Stopped at the sign and walked around to the old singletrack to recover. Picked up branches and small fallen trees on the trail to clean it up some. Coming back by the tennis courts at about mile 5 my hip was complaining but that went away too. Felt ok the rest of the way back. Not a super hard run but a good effort.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, head band, water pack
