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11:20 AM

10.5 mi


9:34 mi


36 F
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Cloudy, rain at the start, cold, 36 deg. Bob and I planned to do the Black Mountain loop clockwise. I wasn’t sure how good it was going to be with heavy rains on the way, but we dressed for it and headed out. It was raining lightly from the mill all the way up Swain road and then it stopped. The hills on Swain road weren’t as hard as I remembered but we didn’t push too hard either. Kept a good long run pace. Continued on Isthmus road and then went up to the mountain and looped around the parking lot before heading back down the Isthmus road. My legs and feet were feeling pretty beat up on the long down hills and ran in the dirt a few times where it was softer. By the time we got down to 120 and turned back towards town my legs were feeling it. I took a GU on the downhill, so my energy was good and legs didn’t feel fatigued, just beat from the road. We finished by swinging down into Hosmer then coming back up to Hannaford and ran straight down to the street that cuts down past the Deluxe diner turned there, went across the footbridge and did a little loop in the parking lot to make it 10 ½.

Gear: pants, short tech T, W2B long tech T, headband, water pack.
