Run: Easy Previous Next


12:03 PM

5.5 mi


9:35 mi


50 F
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Sunny, warm, light breeze, 50 deg., feels like spring. Did the usual loop to the high school and back through Stickytown. Felt sluggish and tired for the first mile and half or so, but nothing complained. Ran pretty hard up all the hills from the high school back. Gassed by the time I got down to Maple street. Ran slow to try and get my breathing back to 3 and 3. Took longer than it should have. Did the same going down Franklin but never really got it under control for very long unless I really slowed down, which I didn't want to do. Pace was slightly uncomfortable from Canal street back. Finished faster than I thought I would. Good run. Still feel like my asthma is flaring up when I breathe hard after a period of time. No back/hip/IT band issues. Nice early spring day.

Gear: shorts, long tech T, headband, sunscreen, sunglasses, water pack
