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12:00 PM

34.1 mi


11:27 mi


75 F
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LMS race day, sunny cool, no humidity. The course this year was on the Oak Knoll side, across the road. Arrived around 9:30am unloaded, then had to park across the street at a Pineland parking lot, it was bit of a hike to get there. Got the canopy up and set up my aid station. Bob P. arrived soon after and he joined me. I went over to talk to Craig Ela for a bit as he was setting up his camp. He and Sam were shooting for 100K, 75 miles, wow. Hung out in the tent until the others starting to show up. Bob, who was coming to crew, then Debbie, then Steve and Jeannie LaPointe all set up under the canopy. I had a half of PBJ, put on some sunscreen, and got my water bottles filled from the red jug. I wore my water bottle belt for the first 5 laps before switching to the pack. Then we were at the start line ready to go. The course went down the trail a ways, then cut out to the field and ran around the outside before coming back into the woods and stayed on the Oak Knoll trails. Here is the description of each lap.

Lap 1: Started out with Bob and Deb and pretty much ran with them for the first loop. This loop was easy. Emptied both bottles of water before I finished. My goal was to drink both bottles, then down a whole bottle water in between laps. Got back and had a half of PBJ, some watermelon, and a bottle of water. Refilled my bottles and water ready to go.

Lap 2: Started out behind Bob and Deb. This lap was also pretty easy. About half way through I really had to pee. So I picked up the pace, passing Bob and Deb. Made it back having to go really bad. Had another half of PBJ, watermelon, and bottle of water. This time I switched to the bottles that had Heed Electrolyte mix I bought from Glen.

Lap 3: I started out with Steve LaPointe and ran the whole lap with him. He wasn’t feeling though and struggled the next 2 laps after this one. We chatted the whole way and the pace was a little bit faster. Towards the end of this lap my right knee started to complain and my hip flexors were getting sore. Not a good sign. Decided to have a GU for the next lap. Also took 2 S-caps with my bottle of water. Drank some Gatorade too. It was started to get pretty warm though and I was sweating a lot. It wasn’t as hot in the woods and there was a breeze from time to time.

Lap 4: Ran this lap with Sam for most of it. It was good chatting with him. This one was a little slower than the third. My hip flexors felt ok on this lap and my knee didn’t get any worse. Got back and peed again, but not very much. Drank my water, had some Gatorade and another GU 5 minutes before the next start. I filled my water bottles too, I had been drinking both bottles while out on the course.

Lap 5: Running around the field was really staring to suck. When starting again it was getting harder to get loosened up. My legs and hips didn’t come around until after I was done with the field. I ended up following Bob and Deb for this lap. On the second half, my lower back was really getting tired and sore. My hips felt ok though. I figured out if I could push off each step on my toe my right knee wouldn’t hurt. So I tried to do this the rest of the way when I started feeling my knee. Got back and laid down to stretch my back and hips. I was getting hungry so I drank my water and ate most of a PBJ and some Pringles, they were getting harder to eat because theywere kind of dry. Had some watermelon. I noticed my right nip EZ had come off, so I got out a small band aid and covered it with that. Headed for the start line for number six. It was starting to get hard. I figured if I could finish this one, I’d have one more hard one, then the 8th would be a bonus lap.

Lap 6: Hips and back were really sore starting out, but came around after the field. Tried not to think about the next 2 laps and just focus on where I was at that moment. My hips were ok and my back was less sore and manageable. My stomach was starting to get queasy and by the end of the lap I was kind of nauseous. But mentally I felt good and knew I could do two more. Got back stretched again and my flexors were starting to cramp. Took 2 more S caps and some Gatorade, along with my bottle of water. Switched back to GU and also had a tums for my stomach. I wiped down and changed to my TMR tank top while Bob got my pack ready with water. Ready for the last hard one.

Lap 7: Walked a bit at the start and then started running, hips and core were sore, but after getting out of the field they were ok. My back was still kinda sore, actually my whole core was tired. I worked on trying to keep my pace where it had been throughout the day, but walked more of the hills. My focus was the ground in front of me, just looking for the next loop. There are four kind of clover loops around the course. I looked forward to the hills so I could walk, but I ran everything that was runnable. Had to be careful on the downhills but still moved down faster than a lot of people. My legs actually weren’t too tired, it was my hips and core that were beat. Finally got the finish and felt like I had to pee, so went over and tried, not much there. Had my water, another S cap and some Gatorade. My stomach still wasn’t feeling great, but I was able to choke down a GU. Decided to run this last loop without any water since I thought it would feel better without carrying anything. Put on my headlamp and headed for the start line, it was getting dark and cooling off quite a bit.

Lap 8: I just had to get to the finish in under an hour. It was a little cool going through the field and I kept telling myself this was the last time through. I walked more of the hills but really tried to keep my pace up in case the wheels fell off towards the end I would have some time in the bank. I figured even at a 15 minute pace I would be close and I walked/ran that fast at the 50K this spring. Ran mostly about an 11:40 pace, pretty good I thought. Had to be careful on the steep downhills in the dark. Walked some of the slight uphills that I had been running, but some of that was because it was dark and I couldn’t see where all the hills started. Hit mile 2 at 23 minutes, mile 3 at 35 minutes and mile 4 at 46 minutes. Good to go for the finish. Just as I was approaching the finish line my right calf started to cramp, finished just in time. My legs were really wobbly and Bob directed me over the to timer to drop and get my finishers medal. Eric Cobb congratulated me and thanked me for coming.

I stumbled back to the canopy and my quads and hips started cramping bad. I also bonked, I was really dizzy, and starting to get cold. Put on my tshirt, sweatshirt, and TMR beanie. I starting drinking Gatorade and took another S cap. I couldn’t sit without cramping so I laid on my blanket for quite awhile. Bob and Deb were just hanging out too eating drinking and packing. I finally felt better and was able to get to my feet. I packed up the tote and all four of us took down the canopy. Bob, Deb and I carried all my stuff to the unloading area. Bob waited while I walked over to get the car. I changed out of my shorts and drove back over and we loaded up. I didn’t cramp on the way home which was good. It was a fun day even though I really had to dig deep the last 3 laps. Glad I got the medal though.

I made notes for next year of what to do different for the ‘aid station”
