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8:22 AM

14.4 mi


22:40 mi


59 F
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Cloudy, rainy, 59 deg, kinda humid. Work day group run today. I got there about and hour before the rest of the gang. I head out with my long handled clippers on the ATV trail then turned onto the singletrack and started clearing sticks and branches off the trail and clipping branches. Worked my way all the way down to the picnic table, it took about 40 minutes. Then I had to go back and meet up with the group. Ran back the way I came and got back just as everyone was ready to head out. Dropped off the clippers and picked up Dad's little shovel with the pick axe on the other side. There was about a dozen of us. Once we got to the Harrington cut off, I started draining off the water from the trail. The little shovel worked great and the others thought it was cool. We ran and worked our along the Homestead trail, to Fox Run, Deer Path Extension, Ridge Trail, and down the Ledge Trail to the ATV trail. On Deer path we ran into Gordon and Katie coming from the other direction. They are both running the 100. Once we came down off the Ledge trail we headed back on the main trail. The singletrack was muddy and wet with some stretches of ice. I was glad I had my screw shoes and ran on the ice with confidence. The ATV road also had quite a bit of ice, but the frost was also coming out of the ground, so lots of super soft mud and some postholing. We ran the Homestead all the way back stopping at the picnic area again. Good run today, as a group we got water draining, sticks and trees moved off the trail and trash and beer cans picked up. More work than running today, but it was fun. Lots of time on my feet today. Everything felt ok. Running with the shovel added a bit of extra work.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, hat, water pack.
