Run: Trail Previous Next


11:50 AM

9.1 mi


10:47 mi


78 F
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Mostly sunny, kinda hot, 78 degrees, a little bit of a breeze. Plan was to do the Marden’s loop. Ran up to the Hydro powerlines and across the bridge to the trail up along the river. Ran at a pretty good clip until I got out by Zinc’s and had to be careful around the ruts not to fall in. Zink’s field had been mowed recently and was nice running. Gorham’s field was not hayed and had little traffic. Hard running through the tall grass. Right front hip flexor was still kinda sore, but not as bad as Tuesday. Crossed Rte. 2 and was really hungry and starting to fade. Stopped up behind the town garage where the abandoned trailers are and got out my emergency GU. Ate that and cooled down a little. I was worried about the big climb up to the road to Jo Pond but I ran the whole way and it wasn’t as steep or as long as I remembered. I felt better than I did earlier. Ran to long downhill to the bridge out to Swain road. I always forget how long this downhill is. Crossed the road and went to the left side of the powerlines to the fairly new snowmachine trail that was cut in the woods. Ran most of this but had to walk some because the footing was bad in the tall grass and ferns. Made it up to the main trail and took off for the high school trail. Jumped a covey of baby partridges who scurried back into the brush, didn’t see the mother. Stopped at the top of the hill down through the woods to check for ticks, found one on the top of my sock. Ran down the hill pretty hard and kept it up all the way down. Didn’t do the single track since it was getting late, turned right and went down across the brook. Ran a pretty steady pace down to Hosmer. Stopped at the Swift to rinse my headband and splash water on my head. Ran a good pace back to the mill, but probably not as fast as the other day. Hungry again by the time I got back. Found another tick on my other sock. Good run, everything felt ok. Right hip didn’t get any worse.
