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9:00 AM

8.7 mi


14:33 mi


86 F
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Sunny, hot, and humid. Ridculisly hot especially for this time of year. The hottest race I've done all year. Starting out wasn't bad. But a ways up Whitecap you could really feel the humidity change. Figured I better run pretty hard at the start because when I got hot I would slow way down, which I did. Hiked alot more than last year up to the peak, but ran pretty hard back down, high fiving all my peeps as we passed each other. Stopped for water on the way up, but not on the way back. Started out running on the connector trail to Black but soon had to walk the hills, starting to get pretty hot. Swapped back and forth with a 12 year old kid running with his father. He was running well, and his Dad made him slow down so he could keep up. I had a couple other people pass me before I got out to the snowmobile trail. Stopped and thanked Roger for weed-wacking the grass, it was made a huge difference. Took some water and rested for a bit. John Rodrique and another went by and I followed them. The kid, his Dad, and Mom who was waiting to start at this aid station, all went by us. It was a long hike up the backside of Black, with very little running until I reached the top. I stopped a small Brook to splash my face and put my feet in the water. Probably not a good idea, as my feet seemed like they were sliding around in my shoes after. Tried to stay with the guy in front of me but John was quite a bit ahead. Finally made it out the tower and Lisa's aid station. Took some water to drink and dump on my head and stopped again. Steve Lapointe caught up and followed me up to the top. It was brutal in the sun. Stopped at the top to cool off in the shade and Steve kept going. After talking to Rick and Val for a minute I headed back down.
