Run: Trail Previous Next


11:31 AM

5.7 mi


11:19 mi


68 F
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Sunny, kinda hot, but cool in the shady woods, 68 deg., no wind. Ran the new MTB trail and the old XC loop once and back. Had my second COVID shot yesterday, feeling ok today but kinda low energy starting out. Had a GU once I got to the high school and felt better once that kicked in. Ran the loop clockwise and run up all the hills. Trail was much drier than the last time Bob and I ran it. Ran the singletrack hard, like last time. After that my legs were toast. Quads really fatigued the rest of the way back. Not sure if it is vaccine related? I was kinda hot also. A good run, nice day to be out in the woods.

Gear: shorts, short T, head band, sunscreen, water pack
