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1:23 PM

5.6 mi


8:46 mi


72 F
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Hosmer Track


Sunny, warm, light breeze. Speed work day. Plan called for 3 x 1 mile repeats at 7:20 -7:25 pace. Did one warm up lap then hit it. First split was a little fast, 7:07. Felt fast but ok. Ran 2 recovery laps and got a drink on the second one. Next split was a bit slower 7:09. This one started to feel like work, especially the last lap. Ran 2 more recovery laps. Last mile, had to work hard the last two laps. Felt a little hot and my legs felt tired. Good training run though. Nothing hurt, no issues with hip or IT band. Handled the heat ok. Drove back to the mill in Abby's car.
