Run: Treadmill Previous Next


11:28 AM



130 bpm
173 bpm


16 F
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Windy and very cold, 16 deg. F. Supposed to be colder Saturday and snow on Sunday. Decided to run on Treadmill at Fitness Room during lunch, even on 2 days rest. Wore heart rate monitor and GPS watch. Found out that the heart rate monitor on the treadmill matches what the Garmin read.

Walked for 0.25 miles at 3.5mph. Then ran for 0.75 miles starting at 5.0 and working up to 5.8mph. Walked again for 0.25 miles at 3.5mph. Then ran 0.5 miles at 6.0 & 6.3mph. Walked at end for 0.25 miles at 3.5 then 3.2mph.

Felt ok, had some sciatic weakness in right hip on and off. What surprised me was the pain on the outside of my left foot where I rolled it a few weeks back. This has not bothered me lately while running on grass. Pain was not real bad, but definitely noticeable.

Should have run harder. Barely broke a sweat and breathing was not as hard as it usually is running outside. Didn’t see heart rate in the 170’s.
