Run: Trail Previous Next


11:47 AM

5.5 mi


12:28 mi


34 F
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Sunny, calm, kinda cold, 34 deg. Plan was to run to the boat launch but I wasn't sure how icy the trails would be, especially without traction. Run up Steve's favorite hill and up Canal Street talking to Lovey on the phone as I ran. Turned onto the old Hydro road and up the new trail. Groin felt ok, although before, that and my hamstring were complaining. Stopped at the rock on the overlook to stretch my groin. Once I got into the woods it was ice and snow. I was able to work around it. When I got on the river trail it was either slippery mud or ice. Had to pick my way along the edges in the snow or sometimes in the middle was ok. Though about turning back a few times but didn't. Made it out to Zinc's field and ran to the end of that. It was taking a long time and I needed to get back, plus the trail ahead looked really icy. Ran back through the field, which was better running than the trail along the edge. Went a little faster on the way back and made it to the road with falling. Back down the new trail/Hydro road to 108 and back to the mill. Felt pretty good. It seems like my asthma has been a little worse so far this cold season. A little harder breathing than in warmer weather. Groin not an issue. Left knee and was a little sore after.

Gear: pants, short tech T, long cotton T, head band, water pack
