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7:04 AM

15.2 mi


13:33 mi


154 bpm
175 bpm


45 F
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Sunny cool morning, started at 38 deg. but warmed up into the 50's. Plan was to try for 15 and see if my IT band would hold up. IT band kinda complaining right from the start until I got to about 2 miles and then it loosened up and was ok. I stuck to the ATV all the way out. The washed out hills are so rocky but the trail was much drier. A lot of the big ponds were gone and the mud wasn't as soft. If we don't get any more major rain, it should be in good shape for the race. Should've taken a second poop before I left. By the time I got to the Bradford intersection I had to go. Stopped and went and then got out a GU for the back half trails. I was power hiking the steep hills and it really didn't slow me down too much. I met Jason coming from Conant, he was running to catch the OSGR group in the parking lot before they started. The ATV guys have been working on filling in some of the big mud holes, but it's really soft. I turned around at 7.5 miles and started back. I started working on land harder on my right leg to save the pounding on my left leg and hip. It seemed to help. Everything ok on the way back, but starting to get a little tired. I got out another GU back at Bradford intersection and had that as I went. Continued to hike the steeper hills but the closer I got to the end I started running more of the hills. Stopped to pee at the Ledges and had a final GU. After another mile or so I caught my right toe on a rock and down I went. No damage done and it was a good reminder to pick up my feet. I saw the OSGR group heading up the Ridge trail, glad I started early. Once I got past the beaver bridge I saw the ATV heading out the clear the trees on the trail. Yay! My legs were tired and I kept waiting for my IT to start complaining, but it never did. I picked up the pace on the flats as much as I could. Finally made it back to the parking lot and my lower back was glad to be done. It was really sore, but my IT band was fine. Super happy with this run. Maybe there's a chance I won't have to run/walk to finish. Saw a couple different groups of runners out there, training for the race. Nice morning to run and starting early was great.

Gear: compression shorts, shorts, long tech T, sunscreen, headband, water pack
