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7:37 AM

21 mi


12:21 mi


37 F
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Started cloudy, then sunny, very windy, 37 deg. On the fence about what to wear, decided to go with tights because of the wind but just a W2B long tech T. I sweat quite a bit but didn't feel hot because of the wind. The parking lot was pretty rutted up and soft, so I was glad I drove the CRV. We had a little less than an inch of new snow yesterday before it rained, but the snow held up on the trail. It was still firm and good running. I took the Homestead trail out but it was half track, if I stepped to the edge at all I postholed. Ran to the picnic area and then headed back up to the main trail. Legs felt tired and it took a while to get warmed up. Felt like I wasn't up for 20. Once I got out towards the Ledges I felt better. There was lots of animal tracks in the snow, fox, rabbit, partridge, turkey, and even Fisher cat. I decided to get the extra 2 miles on the way out, so I went out the Bradford trail. I was feeling good so I ran past the gate, just past the camp and turned around at the first field, 1.5 miles. That would get me to 21. Ran back to the intersection and stopped for a GU and stretch my back, it was a little sore. Headed out toward Conant road, did ok on the hills and it felt pretty quick getting out to intersection with the sign. I kept going and ran all the hills. A short while after the hairpin turn at the end of the big climbs, I saw Brian Emerson coming from the opposite direction. We stopped and chatted for a bit. I was only 1.5 miles from Conant road and he was looking to do 16. We went our separate ways. After about a mile I realized I stopped my watch after talking to Brian. I thought I had stopped it while we talking but I hadn't,grrrrr. Took a bit to shake that off mentally. There was still a snow bridge across the cement stream crossing but the water was running fast under it. The snow was starting to soften up and the wind was getting gustier. Ran all the way out to the road before turning around. Stopped at the gate to get out a half of PBJ and ate it as I went along.

I got into a bad patch most of the way back through this section. I felt tired and mentally drained. I don't think just eating a PBJ is enough quick calories. I think I need to get back to Tailwind and see how I feel. Once I got back to the Bradford intersection, I didn't stop and got out another GU. I felt better and was moving pretty well. Just before the intersection to Mower Landing, my IT band all of a sudden started hurting. Bam right out of the blue. I only ran a little ways further and had to go to a run walk. The last 3.5 miles was all run walk. I saw Brian again we stopped and he asked me if I had ever seen a Fisher cat before. I described it and that's what it was. He saw it in a tree. The trail was really soft now, he must have worked hard going all the way back to his car. It was tough going up the hills. I ran about as much as I walked, trying to keep the pace under 15 minutes. Finally made it back to the car, right after hitting 20, which was actually 21. Not sure what the deal was with my IT. The 20 I did with group was ok. Not sure if it was the hills or doing too many miles too quick or the soft snow conditions. I might not get back out there until the snow is gone. This was a good run except for the IT band issue. I need to do better at calories and could have used more water, although my bladder was nearly full.

Gear: UA tights, grey W2B long tech T, gloves (on and off), headband, water pack, forgot sunglasses and needed them on the way back.
