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4:49 PM

4 mi


9:01 mi


75 F
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Leg 36 - Final leg. My pace slowly dropped off as I started to heat up in the sun. Made it to the boardwalk, which was a pretty long stretch, and ran facing the sun the whole time. Since it was almost 6pm the sun was low and right in my face, it has hot and not fun. Again I really had to dig deep the last couple miles. I was hot, my body was tired, but I kept telling myself it is almost the end. I thought the last 0.1 miles would be on the beach, but we turned the corner with a half mile to go and there was the beach. Some lady runner was excited and said "Yay the beach!" right as I yelled out shit! The course was marked between cones and it was all soft sand. A half mile of this was gong to be brutal. I could see the crowd and hear the cheering way off in the distance, but I had to get there. I was running with high knees trying in vain to find a path that was kind of beat down but it was all soft. I passed a few people though. Then Dave came out to run in with me the last couple hundred yards which was nice. We turned to go up the ramp to the finish and the rest of the team was there. I was still in race mode and Chad had to tell me to slow down and wait. We crossed the line together, got our medals and had our picture taken. Done. Paula picked me up and we headed for our hotel in Exeter.

This was a great experience. I was nervous about how it would all go, but everyone was great and it was super fun, hard work running, but fun. The weather was perfect and the race was well run.
