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11:41 AM

6.7 mi


10:25 mi


78 F
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Mexico Ledge


Overcast, warm and humid. 78 deg. dewpoint 60. Ran up to the Ledge and back. After a crappy performance at the Scuffle yesterday, decided I better start hill training for the Breaker next month. Bob was out riding with Andrew Arsenault, so I headed out by myself. My right front hip flexor was really sore during the second half of the race yesterday, and still sore when I got up. I decided to just keep running on it and see what happens. By the time I got going it actually felt ok. Ran a fairly easy pace out the Honda trails, and up to Rte. 17. Legs a little tired from the race yesterday, but not as bad as I expected. My plan was to go at a slow pace and run all the way to the round it stump. The first three steep climbs were tough but after that I got into a rhythm. I just put my head down and kept going. I was pretty gassed but didn’t feel like I wanted to stop. It wasn’t fast but it was steady. Made it to the round it stump, did three times around and instead of stopping kept going at a slow jog. Recovered fairly well and continued with the slow and steady pace to the top of the Ledge. Took a break to cool down a bit and recover, then started back. It was a faster pace on the downhill back but not all out. Did three loops around the stump again, then hit the downhill. Tried to keep my cadence up and take lots of small steps instead long jarring strides. My hip up until this point had been surprisingly good, but I was starting to feel it on the pounding descent. Quads were pretty beat by the time I got to the pavement and hip was sore. Stopped at the river just before hill to the first field and splashed some water on my head and neck. Hip ok going up that short steep hill into the field and felt ok the rest of the way back. Felt like stopping at about 1.5 miles to go, just focused on my breathing, 3 in, 3 out and steady pace but not too slow. Once back at the ball field, Abby called so I stopped to talk to her before finishing. Good run, hip didn’t hurt walking back into the office. Iced hip after.
