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7:30 AM

26.3 mi


10:14 mi


70 F

Race Result

60 / 87 (69%)
9 / 13 (69.2%)
36 / 49 (73.5%)
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Race Day! Stayed at the Hampton Inn in Bangor last night. Chris, Emily, got up around 5:00am got ready and had a small breakfast at the hotel before heading up to Orono at 6:30am. There were lots of people there, a lot more than I expected. We started getting ready and Abby and Cole showed up to crew. My plan for hydration was to wear my water bottle belt with Tailwind and meet Abby at the Gilman Falls Ave intersection to swap out bottles and maybe take a GU. Then swap again at the end of the 1st loop, just off the track.

We took a few pictures and headed for the start line. Went pee one last time about 6 minutes before the start. Lined up towards the back where Chris and Emily were, but was standing off to the side talking to Cole when the race started. Kind of a wierd start, no gun or anything, just a whistle blowing. Didn't realize that was the start until I saw people going. Started my watch and took off around the track. Stopped at corner and gave Chris a fist bump for good luck then kept going. Tried not to go too fast and kept the pace at around 8:50. Picked off people all the way down College ave. Skipped the first aid station and caught up with Barb Daggett on the third mile. Introduce myself to her and we ran together for awhile but she was walking the hills so I left her and kept going. Turned on my music and listened to it the rest of the way. Could feel my hip a little bit on mile 5 and 6. Started running on the dirt shoulder, which was nice and more fun. Took water at the two aid stations on Bennoch road. The water was cold and tasted good. Turned onto Gilman Ave. and met Abby. Swapped bottles, wiped off some sweat with my hankerchief and took off. I was trying to keep the pace at around 8:50, which was a little fast, but I figured I would bank some time for when I slowed down on the second time around and it didn't seem too hard. The long stretch up past Old Town canoe actually went by pretty fast. Once we turned down into the neighborhoods, I felt really good and accidentally picked up the pace a little too much. Got it back under control on the walking path and settled in for the last 3 miles back to the stadium. Once I got back, Paula and Dad were there taking pictures. Ran around the back side of the track and met Abby just outside the gate. I was getting hot so I wiped off with a wet wash cloth, grabbed two new bottles and a Honey Stinger waffle, then took off. Mentally I felt good about starting the second loop. Picked up the pace some to make up for the time I stopped. Tried not to slow down on the big hill up to the credit union. Each aid station I was stopping to take water, walking while I drank and running while I swallowed. The rolling hills on Bennoch road at mile 16 were brutal. Plus the sun was out strong and I was getting pretty hot. By the time it leveled out I really had the urge to quit. Then the end of my left big toe really started to hurt. I thought for sure I was getting a big blister, I thought it might have been because we were running on the right side of the road and my foot was rolling in a little. Figured I would have to stop when I met Abby to pop it. Then the outside of my right ankle started to get sore. At this point it was good excuse to walk. My toe felt better. Starting running again but taking frequent walk breaks for my toe and ankle. Just after the aid station before the Gilman Falls ave intersection this guy caught up with me and his calf was cramping and we ran together for awhile but I had to stop when I got to Abby and he kept going. At this point the whole outside of my lower right leg was sore. My calf cramped a little when I stopped and it suddenly dawned on me that I needed S-caps and my lower leg was actually cramping. I hadn't thought about taking salt at all, a huge mistake. Luckily I had some in my back pack. I asked Abby if she and Cole could go back to Chris' car, find my S-caps, then meet me on the road by Old Town canoe. Wiped off again, took two new bottles and headed out. Took a GU also somewhere along this stretch. At this point I wasn't able to run more than 50 yards or so before my right leg would totally cramp up. It wasn't any of the major muscles, calf, hamstring, or quad, it was the outside all the way up to my hip, but mostly lower leg. Had to walk more than I was running and still had more than 5 miles to go. Figured I was going to have to walk the rest of the way. Abby came back before I got to Old Town canoe and I took two S-caps and there were two left in the bag. As she was getting back in her car I yelled to her to meet me at the Whitter Farm crossing for the othe S-caps. Struggled on with all kinds of people passing me running slow, really wished I could have run like them. Starting taking gatorade at the aid station by OT canoe. Finally made it to the neighborhoods, still walking and running. Then Barb and her friend passed my with some words of encouragement. Mentally I was fine and soon after she went by the S-caps kicked in and I could run a little bit more. At the aid station just before the walking path, Abby and Cole were there, which was great. I took two more S-caps. Had more gatorade at the aid station. When I got on the walking path I could now run and only take short breaks to let my leg calm down. At Whitter Farm Road it was a mile and half to the finish, I looked at my watch and thought I could finish in under 4:30. Run up the little hill and was able to keep running without stopping. I started to pick up the pace and wished Atlas Rise would come on my ipod, but Suds in the Bucket came on instead which was really good. I was now back to running normal and at a pretty hard pace. Passed a few people who had passed me. At the emergnecy contact pole it was 1/2 mile to the stadium and I had 5 minutes to break 4:30. Then Atlas Rise came on, yes! Starting running a little harder and finished strong at 4:28. Just after finishing my hips flexors were really sore and all I could do was walk slow. Saw Barb and she congratulated me and I introduce her to everyone. Chris and Emily and really good races and only had to walk a little. We took some more pictures and I got an ice cream from Darling's truck. We all decided to go take showers and get some food and drinks at Geaghan's.

We had a great weekend, starting with the spaghetti supper at Mom and Dad's after the packet pick-up on Friday night. I think the race went pretty well for my first attempt at this distance. I probably did the first loop a little too fast, I don't really know how my legs would have handled the distance since I had to walk so much. It was a huge mistake not to start taking S-caps sooner. Probably should have started the first time I met Abby. This was my first long run in warm weather this year though and I just didn't think of it. I figured the Tailwind would be enough, but Barb told me after she always takes S-caps even with Tailwind.

I thought my hydration was ok, I never felt dehydrated but I probably could have drank more when I stopped with Abby. Next time having some Nuun mixed up in bottles would be good.

Good race and the course good also. Might have to try this one again and see if I can do better.
