Run: Trail Previous Next


11:59 AM

5.2 mi


12:11 mi


49 F
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Cloudy, cool, light wind, 49 deg. New Powerlines loop. I figured I better try some slow running and hill walking to get ready for Saturday. Run up Steve’s favorite hill and up past Agway. Ran the hill up to the top of the power lines and then cut over to the Bridge. Walked most of the first hill up to the new power lines trail. Ran and walked the steeper hills, probably still faster than Billy will run. Stopped here and there to pick up sticks and move rocks. At the top of the high school trail, Paula called. Her car was ready at Adley’s and she was done working at the high school, wanted to know if I wanted to ride over and get it. Told her I’d be there in 5 minutes. Picked up the pace as I ran down the high school trail to the bottom, then took a right on the single track and ran along to the spot where I could cut out into the parking lot. Cut the run short, but it was better to get her car now. Felt good during the run, even when I picked up the pace. However, I tweaked my back at FBB last night. When I sit I get a shooting pain down the outside of my left leg. Hopefully it gets better soon.
