Run: Trail Previous Next


11:44 AM

5.6 mi


9:08 mi


80 F
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Cloudy, very warm and humid, 80 deg, dew point 68. Mexico Rec Park and back. First run since Monday. Giving my sore right hip flexor a chance to heal. I’ve been icing and taking Advil all week. Seems ok today. Bob joined me on his bike, his heel is still bothering him but he is going to race on Sunday. Started out at a fairly easy pace and then picked it up so it was slightly uncomfortable. It was a moderate to hard pace for the middle miles, then I started to get hot. Just into the woods there was a girl with a black dog running from the Rec park. I had never seen her before. Looped around behind the tennis courts and around behind the ball fields. Pace was still good going back through the second field. When I got to the steep hill up to the first field, I took small baby steps all the way up to not stress my leg, seemed to be ok. I could kinda feel it from time to time beyond this point. The last mile I was getting hot and had to slow the pace to keep it slightly uncomfortable. Took baby steps again up behind Frank bank and on the steep hill up to the road from the river trail. Good run, about as hard as I wanted to go before the Scuffle on Sunday. Iced my leg while typing this. My legs felt a little fagged starting out, but better after I was warmed up.
