Run: Hill Previous Next


9:16 AM

4.3 mi


10:57 mi


65 F
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Cool morning decided to do a few hill repeats before we headed out for an anniversary lunch. Looped up to the end of the street and headed out. Felt ok going up South hill, but not too fast. Ran to Turkey lane then turned around and came back. Went back up South again. Really gassed at the top and of course had to poop. Went back down and ran back to the house. Took care of business and went back out. Looped up to the end of the road and again and did one more hill repeat. I was totally gassed on this one. Gassed at the top of Orchard hill too. Finished with a loop up to the end of the street. Good workout but pretty out of shape.

Gear: shorts, bright tank
