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8:11 AM

15.1 mi


12:27 mi


50 F
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Sunny,cool, but warming up fast. Plan was to go 15 miles on the ATV to see how my back would feel. Looped around the parking lot then headed out. Around miles 2 and 3 I could feel the sciatic pain starting to flare up. But after a couple more miles it actually felt better. The first couple miles I felt pretty crappy but it was probably due to putting a fence and Chris' house all weekend, which is why I am running today. Ran most of the hills all the way out and tried to run the tangents for less steps. Stopped a few times to take some pictures. After an hour I had a GU. I turned around at 7.5 miles at the start of the Pine Loop trail and headed back. My back was still ok but I was getting tired so I had a second GU. I started marching up most of the hills. I didn't run the tangents as much and had to run the easiest path. Once I got back to the Bradford intersection I ran started running more of the hills. Once I got back to the Ledges I had a third GU. It was work running the last 3 miles but I tried to keep the pace steady. Finished in just over 3 hours so I was pretty happy with that but the pace was too fast for 20 miles plus the single track. I got greedy on the hills on the way out. I need to march more and run a bit slower. My back felt ok and my hip never flared up so that was good. It was a really nice morning but it was pretty warm when I finished. Good training run.

Gear: compression shorts, shorts, short tech T, head band, water pack
