Bike: Woods Previous Next


12:19 PM

9 mi


6.59 mi / hr


75 F
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MTB ride by myself. Plan was to ride up to Lem Cissel's lay down area and then go back down and head for Mexico Rec Park on the road. Climbed all the way up to the lay down area without a foot down. Near the top of the climb I noticed an ATV sign pointing to the left and there had been no traffic on the old trail. Came back to this intersection and decided to see where the trail went. It started to get steep pretty fast. I pushed my bike almost to the top and didn't ride far before coming to some serious mud holes. A couple were just like quick sand. Came out to a ledge clearing and then it went down really steep. Walked this section and then rode some of the downhill. Came out to a grassy trail, and recognized this as being just above the powerlines. Rode down to the powerlines and took the dirt road heading to Oak St. Rode down the really steep hill and almost made it all the way, but crashed and bailed near the bottom. I think I hit a loose rock. Continued on the trails but took a wrong trail and ended up by a frog pond and rode out to Maple St. Took the roads back to the mill. Pretty good ride, good workout, don't think I'll take the new Porcupine ledge trail again.
