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9:03 AM

8.6 mi


11:34 mi


85 F

Race Result

49 / 153 (32%)
13 / 29 (44.8%)
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Sunny hot and humid. Started towards the front of the pack and felt good going out. Passed the group of runners that normally run about my pace and stayed a ways behind the group that Bob was running in, should have known this was too fast. Power hiked some of the steeper sections. On the first long downhill, I rolled my left ankle going around 1 set of stairs. Hurt for a few minutes but came out of it. Ran this downhill pretty hard, then slowed down on the climb from the parking lot to the water stop. Didn't take any water since I had my pack with Tailwind in it. Hiked and ran the big climb up the mountain and passed a bunch of people. At the top I got stung by a wasp, there was a nest in the rocks, the guys behind me got stung too. Pretty gassed at this point but recovered on the slight downhill section. Passed a couple more guys on the final climb and ran pretty hard on the downhill. Just past the second aid station at the start/finish area, I could feel the heat and humidity really dragging me down. Had to slow way down and have a GU. All kinds of people passed me on the Boundary trail. I had gone out way too fast for this weather. Walked quite a bit and ran slow. Was really careful on the downhill and when I finally got to the water stop I ditched my water pack and T-shirt and stopped for two glasses of water. (Lisa took my stuff back to the car). Power hiked the big climb and they moved the course a little to the left at the top to avoid the wasps. There was a good breeze at the top and without my shirt I felt like a new man. Ran hard the rest of the way and caught up to a guy right at the top. Followed him down, running about as hard as I could/dared to. One final steep pitch he got a little more of a gap. We ran hard on the trail back to the finish and I was closing the gap. Just about to the field I kicked as hard as I could, but he picked it up also and I finished right behind him. Really disappointed with my strategy and time. Should have known better not to go out so fast, but didn't fall and had no aches or pains at the end. Left ankle was ok too.
