Run: Trail Previous Next


11:25 AM

3.1 mi


10:46 mi


79 F
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Cloudy, hot and humid, 79 deg. dew point 60. Plan was to run up the new trail on the back side of Falls Hill and pay for my car at Adley’s then run to the boat launch and back to Adley’s. But, when I got to the mill after walking down from Adley’s my left knee was hurting pretty bad like IT band pain. Never had that issue before after walking. It was ok after sitting a while. I wasn’t too excited about my chances of making it to the boat launch. As soon as I started up Steve’s favorite hill I could feel my hip complaining. I was hoping it might be ok after I loosened up. After leaving the garage, my hip pain got continually worse so I called it and turned around after ¾ of mile. It was only going to get worse. Hip really sore by the time I got off the trail, knee didn’t hurt but it was only a matter of time if I hadn’t turned around. Pretty disappointed. I am right back to square one with my back. I have an appointment with Dr. Jamie today we’ll see what he finds. Wondering if doing back lifts on Tuesday may have done something. Sucks.

Gear: shorts, Maine tank, headband, water pack
