Run: Trail Previous Next


11:45 AM

7 mi


12:06 mi


34 F
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Cloudy, not really cold, a little windy, 34 deg. F Plan was to run to the Rumford Boat Launch and back. It looks like the snow machines have been running it. Took my spikes and run Steve's favorite Hill then up Canal St to old Hydro road. It was plowed up the first hill and the gate was open and it was packed for a ways and then just some footprints from there. Kinda tough breaking tail or trying to stay in the footprints, there was an icy crust on top of the snow. Broke trail through the last couple sections of woods before crossing the bridge and picking up the sno mo trail. It was a little icy in places. Someone had skied on it probably yesterday. Legs felt tired after all the work for the first mile. Trail was pretty much packed and frozen so good traction with spikes. Low energy out to the boat launch even though I had GU before starting. Hip flexors were complaining some. At the boat launch there were massive icebergs piled up on the shore from the last heavy rain and the river was wide open. Turned around and headed back. Felt a little better on the way back. Seemed harder to find a good track that wasn't an ankle roller. Stopped on the corner of Falls Hill to take off my spikes so I could run the road back. Way over on time and my legs were spent. Felt good running back at a little quicker pace. Looped down into the parking lot a little ways to make it 7 miles. Good run. Definitely a workout, hadn't run since Sunday or worked out. Nothing really hurt. Groin was a little tight starting out.

Gear: UA pants, sort tech T, long cotton T, head band, water pack, spikes
