Run: Trail Previous Next


8:55 AM

11.3 mi


11:04 mi


41 F
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Mostly cloudy, a little windy, and cool. Wore shorts, long tech T, headband. Took water pack, a GU, and a Honey Stinger Waffle. Plan was to do an out and back on the ATV dirt road for 10-11 miles. Lots of water and mud holes on the road. Lots of oak leaves too. Got out to just beyond the Bradford loop and ran into a couple coming the other way. They were pretty excited to see me. They were doing 4 hours to get ready for a 50 miler in January. I told them about the singletrack trails and the 100 mile race in May. Their names were Pat and Becca. A nice couple. I kept going a little farther to the 5 mile mark then turned around and had a GU on the way back. Took the side trail down to the river by the field with the roses. Stopped at the river to have part of the Waffle. Water was a lot higher than it had been. Heard some voices and 3 girls were coming down the trail. They didn't look to happy to see me. Told them to have a good run and took off. Took the Greenfield trail down to the river and back. Saw a bunch of ATV's. Once back at the gate I had the other half of my Waffle and continued down the dirt road to the parking lot. Hips were getting tired and I was starting to feel like I wanted to be done. Could tell my mileage is way down from what it was. Good run though.
