Run: Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

6.4 mi


7:45 mi


121.5 lb



9 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


uggggh haha. i honestly felt fine during most of this, i got a little side stitch about 12 mins in but it was mild enough that i could run through it just fine and it didn't slow me down at all. went to the trails, fine, left the trails, ok it hurts a little more, turned onto park just DYING. small side stitch turned into big side stitch turned into full stomach cramp, i couldn't even keep going. i had to stop and like bend over for a good 30 seconds, walked for another 10, then finally kept going. finished the last half mile somehow, with the most self control i have ever displayed haha. i think i need to hydrate better from now on, that was a killa. but really before the last mile i was going 735-740.

followed by abs and peds
