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5 km


6:32 mi


went out way too fast in the first mile i guess. felt fine/GREAT at the time, and FELT like i was holding myself back, but i guess i wasn't because in the third mile i was really feelin the pain haha. at the same time, it seemed when people passed me that i wasn't slowing down much, but more that they were just surging past, which i think i'm right because people seemed to agree you should wait till right before the bowl to make your move, which is when alot of people passed me. the hills weren't that bad themselves, it was more the downhills that got me cus i lost control of my last mile i got a side stitch and got passed by probably 5 girls, thank god there was a hill right before the finish that i bent over on and got rid of the stitch. coach yelled at me so loudly/scarily/intensely in the last 200-300m that i opened up completely and just went berserk and caught all 5 girls that passed me in the woods.

coach says he's happy about my race...and i shouldn't be frustrated/upset with not being closer to jen and keri. and i guess i won't...he says i can keep going out like that (maybe a LITTLE more conservatively) because as the season goes on i'll be able to hold it longer and longer and i'll reel them in slowly. i hope he's right. i'm sick of beating jen so bad in practice only to have her beat me in a race. but at least this time i was ahead of her for like 1.5 miles haha. plus the fact that she didn't really practice this whole week and i feel like i've been running myself into the ground because i actually TRY IN PRACTICE...! but i mean you know.

either way this was a good time for this course. someone told me (they;re probably way off) that you can take like a minute off to a minute thirty to get what your time would be on a flat which case, i PRed. and i don't have to PR to know that i ran the best time i've ever run on such a hard course (it's apparently like the 4th hardest course in the country idk) so either way, i'm really happy with where i am, fitness wise, and i hope by december that all this hard work will pay off even more when it counts and i'll be running some sick times.

all in all, i'm happy. had to write a novel to get my thoughts out, but really, this was so much better then i would have done in hs here.
