Run: Easy Previous Next


11:55 PM

8.2 mi


7:21 mi


45 F


4 / 10
3 / 10


Was sore all day from yesterday's long run and yesterday's bad fall. I came home from work around 6 p.m., ate some microwave dinner, took an hour nap and got up to go to Wal-Mart with Darin and Josh to get a Christmas tree. I felt much better off the nap, but after putting the tree up and decorating it, it was 11:40 p.m. I stretched for once and got out the door around 11:55 p.m.

Never really felt good during the run. I decided early to just go real easy and see how I felt. I didn't even worry about splits and it's a good thing because my legs felt like garbage. Went out in 20:31.2 (7:12 pace), back in 21:00.1 (7:22 pace). Then ran the 2.53-mile Friar's Block in 18:54.72 (7:28 pace). Just happy to finish.
