Run: Easy building Previous Next


5:45 AM

3 mi


7:12 mi


No name


142.6 lb


69 F


5 / 10
2 / 10
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November is off to a rough start after breaking a rib playing basketball yesterday. It hurt doing the simplest things this morning – getting out of bed, putting on socks, changing shirts, and just breathing.

I took 4 Advil before heading to work. Didn’t feel much different after an hour. Decided to give running a try on the treadmill so it would be easy to stop if things weren’t going well. It did hurt, but not terrible as long as I kept perfect form and limited arm motion. What really hurt was as I gradually started breathing deeper. But, the most painful thing is to clear my throat. As someone who tends to clear their throat a lot on a run, this was a problem. I could just feel phlegm building in the upper chest and throat, but I paid a steep cost every time I did attempt it.

Not sure what to think. Is it just pain, or am I disrupting the healing process by running? I’m moving around and causing it pain the rest of the day, so why not run too? Maybe I’ll give that elliptical a try tomorrow?
