Run: Long Previous Next


5:20 AM

16.5 mi


6:52 mi


143.6 lb


66 F


7 / 10
4 / 10
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Had to start this at 5:15 to get it in before taking the family to the Conrad Hilton for breakfast with the rest of the family by 9:00. Wish I could have slept more.

Legs were feeling dead right from the start. Never really felt great, but had a decent pace the first hour. The stomach was a little tight to start. About an hour in it started to feel worse. Grabbed the water bottle I stashed at 1:07, but was only able to take a few sips over the next 3 miles without making the stomach worse.

The last 3 miles were a bitch. Didn't help that it was muggy with patches of fog. I think the body is just tired after an increase in mileage and some faster pace work the past two weeks.
